We aim to develop a brand new centre for Parkour and Circus in central Edinburgh. And we need your help! So this is exciting! We have agreed to take on a new teaching space for Parkour and the Circus Arts in Edinburgh. We have found a prime location on West Bowling Green Street – beside Alien Rock… [Read More]
Easter News!
So much news! We’ve got new classes in Dance Base for adults after a great term with Ben and Elli; Easter School for the younger circus afficionados, and plans for loads more youth and children’s circus in the pipeline. On top of that we’ve been performing and teaching at the British Juggling Convention, we’re getting… [Read More]
Dance Base Classes!
Want to learn Acrobalance? You can now come to Circus Alba classes in Dance Base starting in January, taught by Ben Collis and Elli Cuysito. Open to beginners and Improvers, this is a great chance to learn from some of the best performers around. Bookings are directly through Dance Base: www.dancebase.co.uk/classes/courses See you there in… [Read More]
Oban Winter Festival
We had a great St Andrew’s day weekend up in Oban – a brand new show featuring Will Borrell and Shona Conacher alongside Rob; some great workshops and a little bit of fire to warm up the distillery before the fireworks. A huge thank you to the Oban Winter Festival organisers and the folks of… [Read More]
November News
Circus Alba has been busy in the past month, and we’ve got confirmation of our professional training session on a Wednesday as well as the go-ahead for our adult acro sessions in Dance Base, to be led by the amazing Ben Collis. We’re been busy working in collaboration with Delighters, Firepoise (NI), and a slew… [Read More]
Circus Alba lift off
We’re super excited to be getting the first Alba projects off the ground after a hectic summer. We have shows planned, training sessions in the pipeline, classes under negotiation and we’re looking at a variety of spaces to call home. Watch this space!